Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ode to Midwestern Snow

Here I sit
Watching the snow lazily float
Towards the ground
Outside my Midwestern abode

Like the snowflakes
The cars slowly float to their destinations
respectively, of course
And I am shocked
By the lack of fecal matter

It's nice to visit the Midwest
And have a taste of winter
But not for too long


  1. AWM: at this present moment all states (-florida) has got snow on the ground. (hawaii, too?

  2. That's the problem with NY- you can't enjoy the snow.

  3. True. Weather-wise, NYC is pretty damn bad.

  4. Too bad the Friediker Rebbe didn't end up in Sheboygan, eh?

  5. AWM: oh yeah, hawaii, too.


  6. Chicago is the only city to have its name in the title of a kuntres!!!January 11, 2011 at 9:43 PM

    Or Chicago

  7. Discussing the weather seems to be all the rage these blogger days.

  8. Well, I've been having lots of contrast.

  9. If 770 was in Illinois, would there still be Kens?

  10. AWM: yeah, but outlawed like basils.

    the real q is would there be bnei reuven (obviously beis moshiach would stick around)

  11. Anon: Instead of clicking "anonymous," why not click "Name/URL" and write "AWM"?

  12. There would still be Ken's because Lubavitch would be isolated on the West Side.

  13. Cuz that's where the Jews were in the 40's, the same way Chabad in NYC is all alone in what was the jewish neighborhood in the 40's.

  14. Oh, I wonder if there would be the same versions of crazies too.

  15. hmmm. Not necessarily. I think in NYC you have more random people floating around.

  16. e: good idea.

    also, you didnt spend enough time in west rogers park, there are plenny of crazies. ariel/the pinchie man/the molester

  17. The Chicago crazies are kind of constant. But in New York people can come and go. Many more people pass through New York than Chicago.

  18. Kol HaKavod LHaRav Assman

  19. technically it's idi vzhopu.

    I was going to write an Ode to Zhopa, but can't think of one.

  20. Actually, it's "idi v zhopa."

  21. True. Either way, zollen zey alle essen unzer drek.

  22. the fefer is too good for them

  23. Aha. And which of the denizens of Chebotarskaya are you?

  24. In the hollows of my zhopa
    There my drek so travels
    On a ferry to Europa
    Rush to exit my navel

  25. Anon: Do you know what a navel is? I sure hope drek isn't exiting through there.
    Are you Chebotarskaya? As far I as I know, all of the Chebotarskayans should have been observing shabbos when you left that comment.

  26. Ode To Zhopa

    In the hollows of my zhopa
    There my drek so travels.
    On a ferry to Europa
    Hear my stool unravel.

    Winds they rush to exit zhopa
    Forward, rumble, tumble.
    Over forests of Europa
    We shall rough and rumble.

    Don't despair, o wretched masses
    The exit is near.
    Pressure on, don't mind the lashes
    We shall have no fear!

    Those who dwell in darkened lanes
    Soon shall see the light;
    We shall leave here no remains
    Of our wretched plight!

  27. semnatzat, shva-esrei, seventeen

  28. Whatever. But seriously, how do you like my poetry? Mind you, I think that it's pure
    genius. But, being something of a poet
    yourself, and, as it seems, with a few
    shared interests, I would not object to
    constructive criticism.

  29. Sucks balls means "very good", yes?
    Well, I thought this was great stuff,
    but wasn't sure just how good. Thank

  30. Here I sit
    Having my balls sucked lazily with my zhopa
    Towards the ground
    Outside my Midwestern abode

    Like my balls
    The cars are slowly sucked to their destinations
    And I am shocked
    By how good it feels

    It's nice to get your balls sucked
    In the cold air of winter
    But not for too long

  31. So I'm learning about this mysterious anon that he doesn't mind being vulgar and that he is either non-sabbath-observant, or lives very far west.


Forth shall ye all hold.