Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We Miss You, TRS!

I understand you're married and all that, but don't you have time for the important shtuff?


  1. :) A whole post dedicated to him? you must really miss him.

  2. Yes it's very quiet around here...I have almost no excuse to get out of the kitchen. Can you make up for it?

  3. Can you post some heresy for me to argue with? This semester is shaping up to be real boring.

  4. If u had a blog u could post some yourself

  5. I have a quasi-heretical post in drafts right now. It's about how people assume hashgacha pratis when really nothing unusual has happened. But snags might not even consider that heresy.

  6. It seems everyone is rather out of it - my blog has been rather empty as of late. Tishrei is busy time, and people tend to put blogging on the side.

  7. Altie: I could post some in the basement.

    e: Heintige snags would. They're basically chagas with really bad food and short jackets. DEranGed-caps RaMBaM style snags like Shriki wouldn't though.

  8. Mottel: Not those of us who are supposed to be writing papers for humanities cores.

  9. Mottel: I wouldn't be surprised if your fancy-pants comment system is scaring people away. Ay, I was the only one to complain, that's because everyone else was so intimidated that they couldn't even comment to complain.

  10. What do you mean comments system? We have a system?

  11. mottel has a system. check it out.

  12. Agreed, it's a bit of a shlep now.
    Re. post: Cheers, I was thinking the same thing. And nice selection on your new poll, great variety.

  13. Does hashgacha pratis have to be unusual?

  14. Re hasgacha pratis, it really all depends on your definition of 'unusual', doesn't it?

    On the TRS note of things, it would be nice if he posted some, it is too quite, and I just can't think like this. CHa.

  15. You guys, internet is sketchy. In fact we snuck on the chabad house computers right now. (Man my guilt....)

  16. anon + Qtap: stay tuned for my post!

    TRS: Gonna read said post as soon as i finish with this comment.

    le7: sucketh, eh?

  17. i really want to hear from le7!

  18. Agreed! Abandon not your blogger friends!

  19. I love how my message got to the banner: LoT has no end! http://bit.ly/117FZ9 DIES MERCURII VIII ID. OCT. VDCCLXX A.V.C.

  20. E he already answered that on his blog, in comments. Go check.


Forth shall ye all hold.